Kotlin Multiplatform + Pizza = ❤️

Step 6: Setup a local database with PostgreSQL and HikariCP

By now we’ve prepared everything to setup our local database. We’ll use postgreSQL for it. If you don’t have it installed already, follow the instructions here.

Then create a new database for our app with the following sequence of commands from the terminal:

psql -U postgres
CREATE DATABASE recipecollection;

(If you later need to delete the database, use DROP DATABASE recipecollection;)

Pay attention to “;”!

Then switch to the newly created database:

\c recipecollection

You should see the following message: You are now connected to database recipecollection as user postgres.

​​Congrats, you are a proud owner of a local database! It’s empty for now, but you don’t need to create the tables manually, as our exposed backend will take care of it with the help of all the tables we’ve already defined in our app.

We’ll use JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) to manage connection to our database and execute requests. A lightweight JDBC library HikariCP will help us create a connection pool that can be reused when we make a new request to the database. Let’s add missing dependencies to our app:

Add these to your Versions.kt:
const val POSTGRESQL_VERSION = "42.3.1"
const val HIKARI_VESRION = "5.0.0"


object Jvm {
const val HIKARI_CONNECTION_POOL = "com.zaxxer:HikariCP:$HIKARI_VESRION"
const val POSTGRESQL = "org.postgresql:postgresql:$POSTGRESQL_VERSION"

And then use the dependencies in the backend module:


Sync your project dependencies.

Now let’s go back to the app and actually create a local source implementation so that we can connect it to our REST api. First, create a file LocalSource.kt in the exposed directory and define an interface:

internal interface LocalSource {

Later on, we’ll think about what methods we want to use here to access the data in our database. For now we’re more interested in implementing and configuring it. So let’s create an implementation for our LocalSource. Add a LocalSourceImpl.kt next to LocalSource.kt. Here we’ll use HikariCP functionality to configure our database connection and afterwards fill up the database with the tables we specified before within the Exposed framework:

   internal class LocalSourceImpl(application: io.ktor.application.Application) : LocalSource {
      private val dispatcher: CoroutineContext

      init {
         val config = application.environment.config.config("database") [1]
         val url = System.getenv("JDBC_DATABASE_URL") [2]
         val driver ="driver").getString()
         val poolSize ="poolSize").getString().toInt()"Connecting to db at $url")

         dispatcher = newFixedThreadPoolContext(poolSize, "database-pool") [3]
         val hikariConfig = HikariConfig().apply {
            jdbcUrl = url
            maximumPoolSize = poolSize
            driverClassName = driver

         Database.connect(HikariDataSource(hikariConfig)) [4]

         transaction { [5]


[1] Here we specify some of the configuration parameters. Therefore we’ll also need to extend our application.conf file with the database driver and poolSize. Add this to application.conf:

ktor {
 deployment {
   port = 8080
   port = ${?PORT}
 application {
   modules = [dev.tutorial.kmpizza.backend.MainKt.module]

database {
 driver = "org.postgresql.Driver"
 poolSize = 20

[2] We will get the URL for our database from environment variables. To test the database locally we can set this variable in our terminal, which I’ll show you how to do later
[3] Create a coroutine execution context with the fixed-size thread-pool
[4] Connect to our exposed database using Hikari Configuration
[5] Create missing tables from our definitions

Now that we’ve set up a backend and a local database, let’s bind them together. We’ll use Koin dependency injection for it. First, add these to Versions.kt:

const val KOIN_VERSION = "3.1.2"

object Jvm {
const val KOIN_KTOR = "io.insert-koin:koin-ktor:$KOIN_VERSION"


Add the dependency to your backend build.gradle.kts:


Sync your dependencies.

Now we can create a Koin Module. Add KoinModule.kt to a new directory “di” (as in “dependency injection”) in your backend module.

add koin module

Create a module with a single local source, adding other necessary imports:

import io.ktor.application.*
import org.koin.dsl.module

internal fun Application.getKoinModule() = module {
   single<LocalSource> { LocalSourceImpl(this@getKoinModule) }

Then add Koin to Application module in your Main.kt:

import org.koin.ktor.ext.Koin

internal fun Application.module() {

   install(Koin) {

   install(Routing) {

Ok, let’s test how our local source works with the backend. We’ll add one test function to the localSource:

internal interface LocalSource {
   suspend fun getPizza(): String

And implement this function in LocalSourceImpl:

override suspend fun getPizza(): String = withContext(dispatcher) {

Now let’s change our routing. First, change the Routing.hello() function:

private fun LocalSource) {
   get("/pizza") {
       localSource.getPizza().let {

And change Routing.api():

internal fun Routing.api(localSource: LocalSource) {

To finally connect all together we need to inject local source in our backend application and use it with Routing. Change Application.module() to look like this:

internal fun Application.module() {
   install(Koin) {

   val localSource by inject<LocalSource>()

   install(Routing) {

Time to test! First, rebuild and make the project. Then in the terminal add the local environment variable to your environment:

export JDBC_DATABASE_URL=jdbc:postgresql:recipecollection?user=postgres

And then run our backend locally:

java -jar ./backend/build/libs/Backend.jar -port=9000

Go to localhost:9000/pizza and if you get a pizza craving from this request, then we’re on the right track!
