Kotlin Multiplatform + Pizza = ❤️

Step 26: Post images to AWS from a KMM Android or iOS app

Now we’ll add pictures to our recipes.
We already implemented this feature on backend, so we can upload pictures with /recipes/{recipeId}/recipeImage endpoint.

If you forgot, this is the method for it:

private fun Routing.addRecipeImage(localSource: LocalSource) {...}

Let’s see how to implement it in the shared networking and then use it in Android and iOS apps.

Go to the shared commonMain/util folder and add File.kt.
Declare our expected ImageFile and a helper function to convert it to ByteArray:

expect class ImageFile
expect fun ImageFile.toByteArray(): ByteArray

Then just like before write actual functions for File.kt


import android.content.ContentResolver
actual typealias ImageFile = ImageUri [1]
actual fun ImageFile.toByteArray() = contentResolver.openInputStream(uri)?.use { [2]
} ?: throw IllegalStateException("Couldn't open inputStream $uri")
class ImageUri(val uri: Uri, val contentResolver: ContentResolver)
fun Uri.toImageFile(contentResolver: ContentResolver): ImageFile { [3]
   return ImageFile(this, contentResolver)

[1] Here we set a typealias for our expect class ImageFile, which in case of Android is ImageUri.
[2] Transform ImageFiles to ByteArray using contentResolver.
[3] Also use contentResolver functionality to view images.

Similarly for iOS we add File.kt in common/iosMain


actual typealias ImageFile = UIImage
actual fun ImageFile.toByteArray() = UIImagePNGRepresentation(this)?.toByteArray() ?: emptyArray<Byte>().toByteArray()
private fun NSData.toByteArray(): ByteArray = ByteArray(length.toInt()).apply {
   usePinned {
       memcpy(it.addressOf(0), bytes, length)

You may see a warning, saying Expected function 'toByteArray' has no actual declaration in module kmpizza.shared for JVM.
Suppress this warning with the following annotation to the expect functions:


Finally, we need to think of how to send the local image from the user’s gallery to the backend.
Extend the RecipeUiModel, so that it allows manipulations with ImageFiles.
To start with, add a localImage parameter:

data class RecipeUiModel (
   val title: String,
   val ingredients: List<Ingredient> = listOf(),
   val instructions: List<Instruction> = listOf(),
   val images: List<RecipeImage> = listOf(),
   val localImage: ImageFile? = null,

Go to RecipesApi and add the following network request:

suspend fun postImage(recipeId: Long, icon: ImageFile): Unit = client.submitFormWithBinaryData( [1]
   formData {
       appendInput(key = IMAGE_FILE_PART, headers = { [2]
           append(HttpHeaders.ContentDisposition, "filename=${recipeId}_image") [3]
       }) {
           buildPacket { writeFully(icon.toByteArray()) }
   }) {
   apiUrl("$RECIPES_BASE_URL/${recipeId}/recipeImage") [4]

[1] Create the form data request
[2] Add const val IMAGE_FILE_PART = "image" to companion object
[3] For now we’re just uploading one image per recipe, therefore we pass no name to the function and save the image just with a generic name relevant to recipeId
[4] use the recipesApi to post the formData, just like we did using Postman

Now add this to RecipeRemoteSource:

suspend fun postImage(recipeId: Long, imageFile: ImageFile) = recipesApi.postImage(recipeId, imageFile)

Also adjust the RecipeRepository:

suspend fun postRecipeImage(recipeId: Long, imageFile: ImageFile) = recipeRemoteSource.postImage(recipeId, imageFile)

Finally, when uploading the recipe, right after we send the recipe data, we’ll attach an image to the recipe.
Go to RecipeDetailsViewModel and change saveRecipe() to:

fun saveRecipe() {
   coroutineScope.launch {
           recipe.value?.let { recipe ->
               if (recipe.title.isNotEmpty() && recipe.ingredients.isNotEmpty() && recipe.instructions.isNotEmpty()){ 
                   val result = recipeRepository.postRecipe(recipe)
                   val imageUploadRequest = recipe.localImage.let { image ->
                       async { [1]
                           result?.let { it ->
                               if (image != null) {
                                   recipeRepository.postRecipeImage(it, image)
                   imageUploadRequest.await() [2]
                   result?.let { _upload.value = true } [3]

[1] If the recipe was uploaded successfully, post the recipe Image asynchronously
[2] Wait for the result of image upload
[3] If it was uploaded successfully, set the upload state value to true

Now let’s go back to our apps and adjust the UIs, starting with Android. In RecipeDetailsScreen before your Previews add:

private fun ActivityResultLauncher<String>.launchAsImageResult() = launch("image/*") [1]
fun registerForGalleryResult(callback: (ImageFile) -> Unit) =
   (LocalContext.current as AppCompatActivity).contentResolver.let { contentResolver -> [2]
       rememberLauncherForActivityResult(ActivityResultContracts.GetContent()) { uri: Uri? ->
           uri?.toImageFile(contentResolver)?.let(callback) [3]

[1] Start the choose image from Gallery activity in Android
[2] Using contentResolver, get the chosen image
[3] Using our actual function, transform the local image to ImageFile, which can be sent to the backend

Above your Scaffold in RecipeDetailsScreen add a state value that will trigger the onImageChanged in the ViewModel:

val getImage = registerForGalleryResult(viewModel::onImageChanged)

In the shared RecipeDetailsViewModel add onImageChanged to the EditRecipeChangeListener:

interface EditRecipeChangeListener {
   fun onTitleChanged(title: String)
   fun onIngredientsChanged(ingredient: Ingredient)
   fun onInstructionsChanged(instruction: Instruction)
   fun onImageChanged(image: ImageFile)

And implement it in RecipeDetailsViewModel:

override fun onImageChanged(image: ImageFile) {
   _recipe.value = _recipe.value?.copy(localImage = image)

Now let’s go back to RecipeDetailsScreen. Here we can finally use getImage. First add it to PlaceholderImage signature. Also add an isEditable boolean to switch on the gallery functionality:

private fun PlaceholderImage(
    padding: PaddingValues,
    getImage: ActivityResultLauncher<String>,
    localImage: ImageFile?,
    isEditable: Boolean

And modify the PlaceholderImage, so that it changes from placeholder image to the chosen image from your library:

private fun PlaceholderImage(
   padding: PaddingValues,
   getImage: ActivityResultLauncher<String>,
   localImage: ImageFile?,
   isEditable: Boolean
) {
   val placeholder = ""
   Box(contentAlignment = Alignment.Center) {
      HeaderImage(image = localImage?.uri ?: placeholder, padding = padding)
       if (isEditable) {
               modifier = Modifier
               onClick = { getImage.launchAsImageResult() }
           ) {
                   imageVector = Icons.Default.Add,
                   contentDescription = "edit image",
                   modifier = Modifier
                   tint = Color.Black

Also adjust the HeaderImage composable:

private fun HeaderImage(image: Any, padding: PaddingValues)

And use it in Scaffold:

recipe?.images?.let {
   if (it.isNotEmpty()) {
       HeaderImage(it[0].image, padding)
   } else {
       PlaceholderImage(padding, getImage, recipe?.localImage, recipeId == null)

Build and run the app. You’ll see an error.

java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to

That’s because we need to make MainActivity an AppCompatActivity to use ActivityResultLauncher.
Make MainActivity extend AppCompatAcitivity instead of ActivityComponent:

MainActivity : AppCompatActivity()

Now if you run it again and try adding a new recipe, you’ll be able to choose an image from your gallery.

pizza on android

Now let’s do the same in our iOS project.

We can add an ImagePicker, which will help us to choose images from your phone library. You can read more about the image picker implementation here

To the utils group in the iOS project add a new file ImagePicker:

import SwiftUI
struct ImagePickerIOS: UIViewControllerRepresentable {
    @Environment(\.presentationMode) var presentationMode
    var onImageSelected: ((UIImage) -> ())
    func makeUIViewController(context: UIViewControllerRepresentableContext<ImagePickerIOS>) -> UIImagePickerController {
        let picker = UIImagePickerController()
        picker.delegate = context.coordinator
        return picker
    func updateUIViewController(_ uiViewController: UIImagePickerController, context: UIViewControllerRepresentableContext<ImagePickerIOS>) {
    func makeCoordinator() -> Coordinator {
    class Coordinator: NSObject, UINavigationControllerDelegate, UIImagePickerControllerDelegate {
        let parent: ImagePickerIOS
        init(_ parent: ImagePickerIOS) {
            self.parent = parent
        func imagePickerController(_ picker: UIImagePickerController, didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo info: [UIImagePickerController.InfoKey: Any]) {
            if let uiImage = info[.originalImage] as? UIImage {

And the adjust the code in RecipePlaceholderView:

struct RecipePlaceholderView: View {
    @Binding var image: UIImage? [1]
    @State private var showingImagePicker = false [2]
    var body: some View {
            if let image = image {
                Image(uiImage: image) [3]
                    .frame(width: 200, height: 150)
            } else {
                KFImage(URL(string: "")) [4]
                    .frame(width: 200, height: 150)
            Image(systemName: "") [5]
                .font(.system(size: 28, weight: .light))
                .frame(width: 50, height: 50)
        .sheet(isPresented: $showingImagePicker){ [6]
            ImagePickerIOS(onImageSelected: {
                self.image = $0
        .onTapGesture { [7]

[1] First add a Binding to hold the UIImage
[2] Also a state variable to signal whether the imagePicker button should be visible or not
[3] In the view body if there an image to show, then show it
[4] Otherwise, show a placeholder image
[5] Put an “Add image” button on top
[6] With the showingImagePicker state variable control whether the imagePicker should show
[7] And toggle the showingImagePicker by tapping the image button, thus opening the image picker

Also change the relevant code in RecipeDetailView body to:

  if (state.recipe?.images.isEmpty == false){
                KFImage(URL(string: state.recipe?.images.first?.image ?? "")) [1]
                    .frame(width: 200, height: 150)
            } else {
                RecipePlaceholderView(image: Binding(
                    get: { state.recipe?.localImage}, [2]
                    set: {
                        if let image = $0 {
                            state.viewModel.onImageChanged(image: image) [3]

[1] If there is an image in th recipe, show it
[2] Otherwise when the recipe is edited, show a placeholder image view with an add button layover
[3] And set the image in the view model once it’s changed in the app

Build and run the app.

pizza on ios

Now we can upload images from the phone! In the next step we’ll learn how to use a local database as a back up for when there’s no connection.