Kotlin Multiplatform + Pizza = ❤️

Step 16: Use Coil for Images in Jetpack Compose UI

Let’s decorate the recipe list with images!

We haven’t implemented any logic to get images from backend and handle them in our shared business logic, so we’ll use placeholders at first.

To use images you need the Coil image library. Add these to Versions.kt:

const val COIL  = "2.0.0-rc03"

object Android {
. . .
const val COMPOSE_COIL = "io.coil-kt:coil-compose:$COIL"

Add this to the androidApp build.gradle.kts:

implementation (Versions.Android.COMPOSE_COIL)

Sync your project files.
Add a RecipeListItem composable to RecipesScreen.kt.
Now we can use Coil to load an image for the RecipeListItem:

fun RecipeListItem(
   recipe: RecipeResponse
) {
   val placeholder = ""
       verticalAlignment = Alignment.CenterVertically,
       modifier = Modifier.height(128.dp)
   ) {
           modifier = Modifier.padding(8.dp),
           model = placeholder,
           contentDescription = null
           text = recipe.title)

If you want to see a preview of the UI Item, it can be easily done with Compose, just add this to the bottom of your file:

fun RecipeListItemPreview(
) {
   val title = "Best Dish in the World"
   val recipe = RecipeResponse(id = 0, title = title, listOf(), listOf(), listOf() )

Finally, you can use your recipe list item in the recipe list from before. Change Recipes composable:

fun Recipes(
   items: List<Recipe> 
) {
   LazyColumn {
       itemsIndexed(items = items,
           itemContent = { _, item ->


If you run the app now, you will see placeholder image next to the Pizza dough recipe.

open ContentView

We want our app not only to show a list of recipe titles, but also some other information like ingredients and instructions. When the recipe is clicked we want to move to the recipe details screen.

Add a RecipeDetailsScreen.kt to ui package.

public fun RecipeDetailsScreen(recipeId: Long, upPress: () -> Unit) [1] { 
   val viewModel = remember { RecipeViewModel() } [2]
   val recipes by
   val recipe = recipes.find { == recipeId } [3]
   val placeholder = ""

       modifier = Modifier.padding(8.dp),
       horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally
   ) {
       HeaderImage(image = placeholder)
       recipe?.let { Title(it.title) }
       SectionHeader(title = "Ingredients")
       recipe?.let { Ingredients(it.ingredients) }
       SectionHeader(title = "Instructions")
       recipe?.let { Instructions(it.instructions) }

[1] As parameters pass the recipe id and a function that will let us go back to the recipes list.
[2] For now just like in RecipesScreen we use the RecipeViewModel.
[3] We get all the recipes from RecipeViewModel and find the one we want by the id that we’ve passed from RecipesScreen. It’s not the perfect solution, but we’ll touch it up later.

Check out the project repo for full code.

Look at the SectionHeader composable:

private fun SectionHeader(title: String) {
       modifier = Modifier
           .padding(top = 8.dp),
       horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally
   ) {
       Text(text = title)
           painter = rememberAsyncImagePainter(R.drawable.ornament),
           contentDescription = null,
       ) [1]

[1] Unlike AsyncImage that we used before to make an image request and load an external resource, Image with rememberAsyncImagePainter is used to load a drawable from local resources.

This is how simple it is to use Coil image library!
In the next step we’ll set up navigation to move from recipes list to recipe details screen.